Favourite GAMES of the Month : May Edition

So, I have been doing so much zombie hunting lately.....Wait, what?

Zombies are kind of my favourite genre! I know, I know, that's not technically a genre, but anything zombie related, I will give it a go. This month, I've been playing so many zombie related games, it's just the theme I'm into! Survival games are fun, then you add zombies and I'm like YASSS!

My top 5 played games for the month are probably just modded versions of Arma 2 or 3.
Seriously, if you haven't checked out some of the mods for these games, get onto it. There's more than just zombie themes. There's even dinosaurs....

The Breaking Point Mod for Arma 3 is my current favourite game and most played PC game. It's got all the things I like from Day Z standalone, but with factions and what I think is a better character UI. Once you get used to it. As someone who started out playing Day Z standalone prior to playing the Arma Day Z mod, getting used to some of the controls was a learning curve (and because I very rarely play just Arma) there was a lot of 'what the hell  button do I press to do this?' or 'how the hell do I equip that?'
I love the faction option, I think it's a good idea. I don't know how others feel about it, but I would love to see something like this implemented in games like Day Z. I think if more of these type of games had a faction system with points for certain things and the possibility of losing points for others, it would be a game that would make you think a little more about your interactions. These games are more about the survival aspect of the game and how you are going to interact with the other players, more so than how you deal with the zombies. So I think the faction system makes you think about that a little more. Though in the current incarnation of the game, it really doesn't have too great of an effect on me.

Day Z standalone is still one of those games that I go back to when I just want to wander through the wilderness....or Russia....killing zombies. I feel like it's so easy to just jump back into, do some looting, meet some random folks who either shoot on site or just run away from you...It's not something that holds my interest for hours (unless I have plans to meet up with people, then it's like holy lack of navigation skills batman!)  But, it's a game that I keep going back to.

I've also been playing around on 7 Days To Die - I like this game, but I never really know what I'm doing. And I die quite often in it. Some of the recent updates have definitely improved the game and I will definitely keep going back to this one to see what's happening and changing. This is another survival game, the website says it's a "survival horde crafting" game. I really like the crafting side to it, though it still has it's issues with crafting options, I think the premise is really smart. You can build whatever you set your mind on if you're ready to go out and find the resources. So many great crafting options in this game.

That's my little spiel for the month on what games have been holding my attention. I'm thinking I might do a monthly faves: games version as I tend to end up spending a lot of time on games, whether they are PC, PS3, board games, mobile games....I might start including a bit more about them. I know it's a bit of a departure from some of the things I write about, but it definitely takes up a good chunk of my time, and is another key interest that I have.

Let me know what you've been playing and what games you've been liking lately. I always like to find a new game to waste my life playing!! Jokes. But seriously, Criminal Case! The Facebook/Mobile game...What was I thinking? How do these games reel me in? It might be a favourite mentioned in next months post!


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